Upcycling DIY: Reindeer family for a special decoration during the cold season

Did you know that reindeer are part of the deer family? But unlike all other deer, not only the males of the reindeer have antlers but also the females. The time when we think a lot about these fascinating animals is the winter and Christmas season. Make yourself comfortable inside when it's storming and snowing outside and decorate your home with our cute Monte reindeer.

Enjoy Monte Drink and collect bottles! Then nothing stands in the way of your own reindeer family as a decoration for your home.

craft supplies

What you need for the handicraft fun:

  • Monte Drink Bottle
  • Perforator
  • Brown construction paper
  • googly eyes
  • Small fluffy balls (Black, Red)
  • Thin decorative ribbon (necklace)
  • Hot glue gun / all purpose glue 
  • Brown pipe cleaners
  • Black thin pen


Step 1

Remove the foil from the Monte Drink bottle. Adhesive residue can be removed with nail polish remover if necessary. Cut the construction paper. The dimensions 19 cm wide x 14 cm high (at least) work best here. Use a hole punch to make holes on the left and right for the pipe cleaners that will later represent the antlers.

Now stick the construction paper around the Monte Drink bottle.

The easiest way to attach the construction paper is with hot glue.

Step 2

Cut each pipe cleaner into a long piece and a short piece. The short piece is wrapped once around the top of the long one.

Thread the other end of the pipe cleaner through the hole in the brown construction paper, then flip it around once. This way the antlers are stable. Repeat on the other side.

Step 3

Attach googly eyes and the small fluffy ball for the reindeer's nose. Draw eyebrows and a mouth on the reindeer with a thin black pencil and tie a scarf with the thin ribbon.

"Rudolph", the reindeer, with his red nose and his friends is ready.

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